Friday, September 16, 2011

4th Grade Storytelling Lesson Plan: The Sucker and the Eel

Through the Native American (Yurok) tale of the Sucker and the Eel, students will begin to explore how different species compete for resources. Storyboards for the tale are included. Also included is a chart of California animals and the resources they compete for, from which students can create their own stories.

Students in Sandra Posey's EWS 411: Education, Diversity and the Arts course created storytelling-based lesson plans which integrate multidisciplinary standards. These lesson plans were then implemented at the Boys and Girl's Club of Pomona Valley as a service-learning project. This lesson plan, by Denisse Lopez, Heather Ramsey, Aisha Rangoonwalla, Amelia Renteria and Erin Takeuchi, addresses California theater and life science standards for fourth grade.

Lopez, Ramsey, Rangoonwalla, Renteria and Takeuchi. "The Sucker and the Eel" 4th (CA) Grade Lesson Plan (Life Science, Theater).

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